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Dear investment homeowner…

Posted by AMR on 26/01/2023

Dear investment homeowner,

Did you know that if you or an agent doesn’t use the Ontario Standardized Lease, terms and conditions will automatically be converted to one at the Tribunal. Any clauses in your lease that are not legal will not be heard by an adjudicator.

Did you know… Property Managers do not study Real Estate Law. That’s what your realtor does. Property Managers study the Residential Tenancy Act.

What I’m saying here is, “I wouldn’t attempt to purchase real estate from my Property Manager. Why would you expect a realtor to manage your investment real estate?”.  

AMR Property Management offers full-service Property Management.  

Did you know we offer lease only services as well?

Why not have Professional Property Managers lease your investment. 

We take care of…

  • Marketing and advertising
  • Screening and showings
  • Credit and background checks
  • Communication with our Leasing Agent to discuss all potential tenants
  • Creating the lease
  • Move-in inspections reports
  • Full statement of account for your Tax Records

I’m here to chat!  Why not give me a call.  705-728-9737

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